Plant Curious?
Here are some tips & inspiration
Movies to Inspire
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a good movie can be worth millions. Here are some to inspire you to embrace the power of plants:
Forks Over Knives (documentary)
Earthlings (documentary)
Game Changers (documentary)
Chicken Run (kid-friendly)
Cowspiracy (documentary)

Cooking up delicious plant food isn't hard once you learn the basics, after all, most of the flavor in non-veggie dishes comes from the plants in it - herbs, spices, onions, garlic. Here are some great places to start your journey:

Nutrition Information
Wondering about the health benefits (or detriments) of a plant-based diet? Look here:

Local Eateries
Charleston has several plant-based eateries, and other that have excellent vegan options:
Vegan Eateries
The Stone Soup Collective, of course!
Annie's Cafe o' Sweet Abundance (West Ashley)
Neon Tiger (Downtown)
Gnome Cafe (Downtown)
Vegan Friendly:
Destiny Community Cafe (N. Chas' pay-what-you-can cafe)
The Harbinger Cafe & Bakery (Downtown)
Basic Kitchen (Downtown)
Ye Ole Fashioned Ice Cream and Sandwich Cafe (Summerville locations only)
Mellow Mushroom (all locations)
Leyla (Downtown)
Butcher & Bee (Downtown)